Prior to the formation of AJIP, virtually no information existed about the real-life experiences of Jewish adoptees and their families. Because social change is impossible without knowledge, research is one of the three pillars of AJIP’s work: 

  • We conducted in-depth oral histories with adoptees in their 20s and 30s from a wide array of backgrounds. Their voices present a vivid portrait of growing up adopted in American Jewish families and communities.
  • We also conducted the first major survey of American Jewish adoptive parents. With nearly a thousand responses, the survey provides a detailed look at the experiences and perspectives of Jewish adoptive families.

Stay tuned! Based on these stories, we are currently hard at work on a book that will raise awareness about adoption in the American Jewish community. You’ll learn about the complexities of the Jewish adoptive experience and hear adoptees’ perspectives on major challenges the Jewish community faces in creating a fully inclusive and supportive environment.

In the meantime, you can read some of what we’ve been learning in these selected articles, white papers, and resources. 

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